Thursday, June 13, 2013

If Mommy says no ... ask Daddy

He is semi-awake off and on. Dr.M came and took out a wire and catheter was removed and one arterial line in his groin gone as well. He has been crying a lot and begging me for juice .. for a while he could not have any .. and he said .. I want it right NOW ! I said no and he then started saying .. I want Daddy !!  Finally he was able to have juice and he wanted to do it himself... he is restricted on how much he can have .. too much liquid can make his heart work too hard. He was offered soup and didn't want it and he got a  popsicle he called a lollipop .. he said he wanted to lick it. He also found scissors and they are just plastic to clamp lines with so they let him hold those for a while. Oxygen dipped into the 70's so they put him back on oxygen thru his nose ... which he keeps pulling out. He got another bag full of stuff from Amazing Hearts .. its the support group for heart kids at our hospital that I have only had time to go to once in three years .... and a coworker submitted for him to receive another gift from a nonprofit group called Emily's Smile Boxes  .. google them or look for their Facebook page .. she said we should get it this week! Also making more new friends here in hospital I hope to meet soon.
the scissors



  1. He looks awesome! Has he walked yet today?

    1. no he has sat up a few times .. been a rough day and night actually .. :(( I don't know if I will get any rest tonight.

  2. I finally took some time and checked out Keifers blogspot. I am so happy he came out well of surgery. Its amazing how brave and strong he is.
    Favulous spot for your little one. He´ll do perfect in a couplee of days.
    Lots of love.
    Isabel Sanrame

    1. Thank you Isabel ... feel free to share with anyone his blog.

  3. God is good. .. so glad he is recovering well. Thanks for keeping us posted through these diificult.

    Keisha n Elijah

    1. Hey girl .... thank you ... it could be worse so Ill take how it is right now but its rough... take it easy .. we have GOT to get together as soon as I get out of here ... at night when Keith is home to stay with Keifer ... Ill drink for us both ;)
